
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Water Fight

“Yey!” Water fight as I ran and got change, When I got back we had to line up into two lines then we started to walk down to the bottom Field and sat down to wait for miss Tito to tell us what to do. Then she said to Henry “please give me your shoes” to make a square and find a place to sit the we had to face the other way and don’t look back. There were to other people standing at the back holding the slingshot as Miss Tito called 1 person by person to come and shot 1 water balloon.

After that Miss Tito told us two stand up and come and get a water balloon and go find a space to
get ready to through the water balloon at some one. I through it at Cael and she through it at me it felt so cool.

Having a water fight is a very fun idea. It felt like I wanted to go for a swim. But is was a Sunny day. My favorite part of the day was when we had to run around thoroughgoing the balloon at people. And I hope we have it again.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

M.I Test

Yesterday Room 22 students sat Multiple Intelligence Test. There are 8 Intelligences. Here are my top 3 strengths Self smart, People smart and Number smart. The intelligences I would need to work on are Body smart, Music smart and Nature smart.

These are my Results